Connecting AllPro

1. Open your Shopify store

2. Open the “Slingshot Automotive” app

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting AllPro

3. Click “Settings”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting AllPro

4. Scroll down to “AllPro” and click “Connect”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting AllPro

5. Enter your FTP credentials and click “Accept”

FTP Credentials can be obtained from your AllPro account manager, contact for assistance.

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting AllPro


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Create Parent collection in Shopify

1. Click “Products” 2. Click “Collections” 3. Click “Create collection” 4. Click the “Title” field. 5. Enter the desired name

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Connecting Premier

Connecting Premier

1. Log into your Premier portal account using the credentials you received from your Premier representative. 2. Go to the ‘My Data’ menu and select ‘Custom Data Feed’.
How to Download the Pricing Report

How to Download the Pricing Report

1. Open your Shopify store 2. Open the “Turn 14 Distribution” app 3. Click “Pricing” 4. Click “Report” 5. This will download the Pricing Report
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