Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)

1. Open your Shopify store

2. Open the “Slingshot Automotive” app

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)

3. Click “Settings”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)

4. Click “Catalogs”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)

5. Scroll down to “Grandwest Catalog” and click “Connect”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)

5. Contact your Grandwest sales representative and ask them to set up your catalog data feed. They will provide you with an account number to use with your integration partner

6. Enter your Grandwest account number into the configuration screen and click “Accept”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Grandwest (Catalog)


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