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Multi Location Inventory
Previously we had all skus showing a single location called the “Slingshot App”, however we received a lot of requests to break this down more specifically. As a result we have released an update allowing you to see all the different locations and distributors, as well as choose which locations you want to display or
Read MoreCreate Parent collection in Shopify
1. Click “Products” 2. Click “Collections” 3. Click “Create collection” 4. Click the “Title” field. 5. Enter the desired name of the collection 6. Click Automated. 7. Click any condition. 8. Click the “Condition 1 value” field and enter the name of the sub-collection you want to include 9. Click “Add another condition” 10. Repeat
Read MoreOrganizing Categories / Shopify Collections
Q: I am trying to find a way to organize the categories as they come over from turn 14 into their respective categories on my site. For example, all brake related items to the brake category. A: We create the categories as Collections in your Shopify store; so for instance your brake-related parts, will automatically
Read MoreHow to find Product Count for a Store
The best two ways you can check if all the products you expected are loaded in your store is like this:
Read MoreHow to Display Special Order Status
You can add this code snippet to display special order status. This may require the assistance of a developer. <ul class=”product-tags”>{% for tag in product.tags %}{% if tag contains ‘SpecialOrder:Y’ %}<li>This is a special order item, please allow an additional 15-20 days delivery.</li>{% endif %}{% endfor %}</ul> Shopify handles the display of in/out of stock
Read MoreSlow Product Deletion
Products are actually deleting, it’s just a bit of a slow process. This is a known issue with Shopify. It works, when you unselect all the brands you don’t want in your turn 14 app, and also delete products from your store. The app does do its job deleting products from your store, it’s just that
Read MoreImage Limits by Shopify Plan
Read MoreHow to Show MPN on the Product Page
Adding the Manufacturer Part Number (MPN/Original sku) to your Shopify product pages can provide valuable information to your customers and benefit your store’s SEO. If you’re using the Slingshot Automotive app, you can easily incorporate this feature into your online store. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding the Manufacturer
Read MoreHow to Set Phone Number as Required in Shopify
1. Click “Settings” 2. Click “Checkout” 3. Scroll down to customer information and make the phone number “required” 4. Click “Save”
Read MoreCan I use Slingshot Automotive along with the Turn 14 Distribution app?
Yes, both apps can be used simultaneously, however there is no check in place for the same product being loaded by both apps. Thus, if the same brand is enabled in both the Turn14 app and the Slingshot app, then you will encounter duplicate products loading into your store. We recommend only enabling a brand
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