Order shows Unfulfilled

If you have an order that shows as unfulfilled, first make sure you have completed a test order. If you have completed a test order, you may just need to press the request fulfillment button, then a second button send fulfillment request will pop up that you also have to press.

1. Here’s an order that shows unfulfilled

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Order shows Unfulfilled

2. Click “Request fulfillment”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Order shows Unfulfilled

3. Click “Send fulfillment request”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Order shows Unfulfilled

4. Click “Cancel request”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Order shows Unfulfilled


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Create Parent collection in Shopify

Create Parent collection in Shopify

1. Click “Products” 2. Click “Collections” 3. Click “Create collection” 4. Click the “Title” field. 5. Enter the desired name

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Connecting MotorState

Use the following instructions to enable your Motor State data feed for Slingshot 1. Log into your PriceGuidePro account using the credentials you received from your Motor
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