International Filters

Is your store located outside the USA? Good news, we have filters for you.

Data Here-to-There Inc. | International Filters

You can exclude products that can’t be shipped or imported into your country, or filter out products over or under a certain weight for easier shipping set up!


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multi location inventory

Multi Location Inventory

Previously we had all skus showing a single location called the “Slingshot App”, however we received a lot of requests
Create Parent collection in Shopify

Create Parent collection in Shopify

1. Click “Products” 2. Click “Collections” 3. Click “Create collection” 4. Click the “Title” field. 5. Enter the desired name

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Order shows Unfulfilled

Order shows Unfulfilled

If you have an order that shows as unfulfilled, first make sure you have completed a test order. If you have completed a test order,
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