Connecting Wheel Pros

Use the following instructions to enable your Wheel Pros data feed for Slingshot

1. Log into your account using the credentials you received from your WheelPros representative

2.Go to your Account Page at

3.Set your User ID and Password.  These are used by their SFTP system to host your inventory and tech feeds.

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Wheel Pros

4. Click on the Downloads section and select WarehouseFeeds

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Wheel Pros

Ensure that “SFTP Wheel Pros” option is enabled and that the file format is set to CSV.

5. Click on the Downloads section and select Tech Guides

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Wheel Pros

Ensure that “SFTP WheelPros” option is enabled and that the file format is set to CSV.

6. Open the “Slingshot automotive” app and navigate to “Settings” then “WheelPros” and enter your SFTP credentials that you set in step 3, then click “Accept”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting Wheel Pros


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1. Click “Products” 2. Click “Collections” 3. Click “Create collection” 4. Click the “Title” field. 5. Enter the desired name

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Connecting Grandwest

1. Open your Shopify store 2. Open the “Slingshot Automotive” app 3. Click “Settings” 4. Scroll down to “Grandwest” and click “Connect” 5. Contact your
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