Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)

1. Open your Shopify store

2. Open the “Slingshot Automotive” app

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)

3. Click the “Settings” tab

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)

4. Click “Catalogs”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)

5. Scroll down to “ATD ” and click “Connect”

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)

5. Enter your credentials and click “Accept” 

All necessary information for filling out this page can be found in the ATD “Ship to home” API.

For assistance, contact

Data Here-to-There Inc. | Connecting ATD (American Tire Distributors)


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